Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Early Days... Jan 2020

“Oh, I like the way you talk now, you talk like me
All the funny things you're saying, you're real good company
Oh, the odds are strong and crazy, and our love profound
you make our messy house feel like holy ground”

At the end of last June, I sat down to write and I was excited to write more. Little did I know that soon thereafter I would find out that we were expecting again. It was far too early to share the news and then as a result I didn’t feel like I could share the moving or the everything else so it just sat by the wayside but I missed the writing process.

For the first time, Violet is at Granny’s for two nights in a row and I am sitting in the midst of unfinished tasks, toys everywhere, in need of a shower, but just enjoying the time and space inside my own head. So I figured I would write. When there are moments of space without the babe, I always feel pressure like I need to be productive but sometimes it is nice to just be.

Lord have mercy, so much has changed over the last seven months. We now have a walking ten month old spitfire of a daughter who is not afraid of a doggone climbing the steps on her own! Thankfully she plays hard and has slept through the night since she was three months old... which may have led to her sister..😉. but I digress.

We now live at 110 Ann Street, have double the amount of space and at times, it still doesn’t feel like quite enough. But I definitely think this will be our “forever for now” home and I am so happy to be able to feel settled. There is an amazing pantry to fit all of our canned goods and canning supplies. A wood stove in the middle of the living room which has always been a dream of mine! Turns out I’m pretty good at getting a fire started too!

It is no joke when they say it takes a village... Motherhood changes you in so many ways. We are not rich by any extent but we have a friend clean for us on a weekly basis. I cannot begin to explain how much of a blessing it is knowing that the floors will be cleaned, the litter boxes will be addressed and the bathrooms wiped down on a weekly basis when I just do not have it left in me to do so.

My husband’s step mother takes on the laundry when she is here. For me, someone who at one point in her life was afraid of truly letting people in, to really let them see me for who I am, it was a stretch to let someone handle my actual dirty laundry, messes and all and to be ok with it, to be thankful for it and to learn to stop apologizing for it... which I am still learning.

Any time my mother or mother in law are over, they help with the dishes. Putting them away, loading the dishwasher, hand washing, you name it. I used to think I needed to be the one to do all the things. To be in control, to have everything perfectly organized and in their place. To let anyone help was a failure because I didn’t do it on my own.

We are blessed to have a neighbor on the corner who takes Violet in as part of her family. Violet is able to be a part of their homeschooling adventures, be loved on and be close to home. I don’t know how we got so lucky.

There is so much more I want to say but I think this is a good start for now... 

Be loved friends.  

”You've got to hold on, it goes so fast
These early days, well, they don't last
Got to enjoy them, they go so fast
The baby days, well, they don't last“

“Look forward to the evenin' when the monkeys go to bed
Then we talk all night about 'em, we feel half dead
We used to be too tired to eat in but it's a total crap shoot to eat out”

“Oh you're gettin' rid of diapers that you washed every night
And we're saving up for date night so we can have our fight
If its quiet for a moment, oh you better run upstairs!
'Cause the toothpaste in the bathroom is redefining everywhere”

“Oh, I like the way you talk now, you talk like me
All the funny things you're saying, you're real good company
Oh, the odds are strong and crazy, and our love profound
you make our messy house feel like holy ground”

The song I live by these days... and the source for the title. 

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