Saturday, November 26, 2011

rilke and knob creek...

"A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it. So dear Sir, I can't give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to the question of whether you must create. Accept that answer, just as it is given to you, without trying to interpret it. Perhaps you will discover that you are called to be an artist. Then take that destiny upon yourself and bear it, its burden and its greatness, without ever asking what reward might come from outside. For the creator must be a world for himself and must find everything in himself and in Nature, to whom his whole life is devoted. 

But after this descent into yourself and into your solitude, perhaps you will have to renounce becoming a poet (if, as I have said, one feels one could live without writing, then one shouldn't write at all). Nevertheless, even then, this self-searching that I ask of you will not have been for nothing. Your life will still find its own paths from there, and that they may be good, rich, and wide is what I wish for you, more than I can say. 

What else can I tell you? It seems to me that everything has its proper emphasis; and finally I want to add just one more bit of advice: to keep growing, silently and earnestly, through your whole development; you couldn't disturb it any more violently than by looking outside and waiting for outside answers to questions that only your innermost feeling, in your quietest hour, can perhaps answer."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"give thanks with a grateful heart..."


Some thoughts on Thanksgiving and Christmas.... 

As I was driving around today, November 20 an approximate 4 days BEFORE Thanksgiving, I realized I was listening to Christmas music while I ran my errands. Oddly enough this cartoon came into mind. 
If we truly took Thanksgiving as it is intended, a day set aside to give thanks and realize the many blessings that abound in our daily lives, we would be in a much better state of mind, body and spirit to truly celebrate Christmas. Maybe the commercial spirit of christmas actually feels threatened because it is preceded by a holiday that prompts us to stop and reflect. I think that's why the Christmas decorations come out earlier and earlier every year, to completely veil our eyes from being able to see and appreciate Thanksgiving for what it is.  

Did I start my Christmas presents already? Yes, but they are homemade Christmas presents that actually benefit from a little aging, and they are homemade with love. I actually get a lot of joy from being able to give of the fruits of my labor especially since I know that my gifts will be unique. 

Do I think its bad to listen to Christmas music early? No. Am I completely aware of some of the twisted history of Thanksgiving and the traditions of Christmas? Yes. Do I think there is something bigger amidst all of the "hullabaloo" that can be celebrated for every one and with every one? Absolutely. 

Don't forget to take a minute, an hour, or maybe even a day to remember and be thankful.