Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am looking to create a place where I can share my interesting adventures in growing herbs, creating homemade lotions and soaps and such, random tidbits of knowledge I love to share with people! A quote from one of my favorite authors serves well to sum up my interest and offerings..“I have often noticed that these things, which obsess me, neither bother nor impress people even slightly. I’m horribly apt to approach some innocent at a gathering and, like the ancient mariner, fix him with a glitt’ring eye and say “Did you know that in the head of the caterpillar of the ordinary goat moth there are 288 separate muscles?” The poor wretch flees. I am not making chatter; I mean to change his life. I seem to possess an organ that others lack, a sort of trivia machine.” Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.
Annie Dillard was my first true foray into nature writing and it has recently captured my heart and imagination. I am sure i will be sharing much about books I am reading and wines I am drinking... So for a quick introduction that I will most likely rewrite in the near future... Welcome to my World! :0)

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